Launching a Book? Do You Have a Prayer Team?


By Marilyn Nutter

With a click on send and a sigh of relief, you submit your manuscript to your editor. In a few months you’ll be ready to launch. You may choose to find a launch manager or call out for team members to promote your book.

But what about adding another team—a prayer team?

Often, people don’t want—or don’t have the time—to post memes on social media or write reviews. But I’ve found many are willing to support your book project through prayer.

Let’s consider what’s involved in getting your manuscript to release:

·       An editor to work clearly and carefully to develop the best work.

·       The publishing house’s marketing team as they create and find outlets.

·       Your personal marketing and direction on contacts.

·       Printing and sending the book to warehouses with no glitches.

·       Positioning the book on bookshelves and on websites.

·       Landing the book in the hands of readers who could benefit.

·       Readers who are looking for adding value to their lives in enjoyment, a respite from stress, inspiration, or information.

By sending these prayer requests out to your prayer team each week, we reach many we would not have touched on our own.

As writers, we seek God’s direction, wisdom, and blessing on our work. Days have been stressful, tiring, and gratifying. Our thousands of words may seem huge, but are small by comparison to bathing our writing in prayer.

“Prayer does not equip us for some greater works—prayer is the greater work.” (Oswald Chambers, 1924).

Have you had a prayer team as part of your launch? Would you consider it?

Photo courtesy of and Fa Barboza.

Marilyn Nutter is the author of Hope for Widows: Reflections on Mourning, Living, and Change and co-author with April White of the award winning book, Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart, She is a frequent contributor to online sites and compilations. Visit her at http:/


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