King David’s Advice for Writers
By Marilyn Nutter Multi-faceted. Doesn’t that describe the writing journey? Along with our highs, lows, and questions, we also face processes and protocols for publication. Many of us have submitted articles and manuscripts to editors who accepted them, and we affix the label “success” to our file. The flip side is receiving a “no thank you” or silence. We label those as rejections. What do we do? King David said it beautifully in Psalm 25:1, “In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.” David spoke to himself, affirming trust in God, and we echo that. We trust God will use the pieces that make it to print in His way to benefit readers. Sometimes we are fortunate to hear from readers or read their reviews learning that our work encouraged or inspired them. What about the rejections? We question if we should submit elsewhere, revise the work, or delete the file. We trust His direction and timing there too. Aside from the bold statement of trust, David unknowingly gave advice tha...