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A Writer’s Change-Up

  By Tammy Karasek   It’s close to being sweater weather in parts of the country, also known as fall. But no matter where you are, we writers need to change with the seasons for various reasons.   I have a few suggestions of change for you to take advantage of the fall season. If you normally sit at a desk in your office, move to the dining room table or a comfy chair in your den or living room. Maybe even grab a quilt and sit out on your porch if the air is getting cooler, to take in the sun and changing colors of the trees as you write. Or you may even venture out and find a new-to-you local coffee shop to take in the smells of the annual fall drinks. Pumpkin spice latte, anyone?   When we write, we tend to create the same way each time we sit down to pour words onto our screens. Let’s change that too. If you are a die-hard computer writer, grab a notebook and write by hand. What? Yes, write by hand this week. I know it sounds like I’m telling you to go backward in techno

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