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Ten Ways to Stomp Out Writer Perfectionism

    By DiAnn Mills   Writing perfectionists are seldom satisfied with their work. Problems often stop them from experiencing productive publication. They offer reasons for their inability to move forward from the way they are wired, education, life experiences, and a host of other explanations.   Could it be these writers are using excuses to step out of their human DNA? None of us are perfect writers so, friends, we need to get past it.   When we view writing not as an art but as the perfect story, the result can become a book without passion, emotion, or human frailty. The solution is to take a break and evaluate who we are and why we’ve allowed the demon called perfectionism to threaten our God-given gift.   Our self-worth is not tied up in a perfectionist/performance trap.   For the record, friends, neither is our self-worth wrapped up in book sales. Nor is it based on how many rewrites, edits, writers we mentor, conferences we attend or teach, social media n

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