Nine Ways to Be Still Before the Lord
By Diana Leagh Matthews In my last post, I discussed the benefits of holding a business meeting with God concerning our writing. But how do you hold a business meeting with the Lord? Let’s review. I begin with a time of praise and adoration. That can look different at each meeting or for each person. Here are a few ideas to try or maybe combine several at one time. 1. Listen to praise music . Listen to your favorite praise songs. Choose songs that speak to your soul and draw you closer to the Lord. 2. Sing to the Lord . Whether singing along to praise songs, lifting your voice a cappella, or utilizing another form of accompaniment, lift your voice to the Lord in song and praise. 3. Write Scripture . Write out one or two verses of Scripture that speak to your heart and/or need. Meditate on the verse(s) once they’ve been written out. 4. Speak the names of Jesus . I enjoy using the ABCs...