King David’s Advice for Writers


By Marilyn Nutter

Multi-faceted. Doesn’t that describe the writing journey? Along with our highs, lows, and questions, we also face processes and protocols for publication. Many of us have submitted articles and manuscripts to editors who accepted them, and we affix the label “success” to our file. The flip side is receiving a “no thank you” or silence. We label those as rejections. What do we do?

King David said it beautifully in Psalm 25:1, “In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.” David spoke to himself, affirming trust in God, and we echo that. We trust God will use the pieces that make it to print in His way to benefit readers. Sometimes we are fortunate to hear from readers or read their reviews learning that our work encouraged or inspired them.

What about the rejections? We question if we should submit elsewhere, revise the work, or delete the file. We trust His direction and timing there too.

Aside from the bold statement of trust, David unknowingly gave advice that applies to writers in verses 4-5. What could happen if we follow that advice as prayers?

·       “Show me your ways, Lord. “ Show me Lord what You want me to write and how to go about it.

·       “Teach me your paths.”  Teach me, Lord, to write with creativity and excellence that reflects You.

·       “Guide me in your truth and teach me.” Guide me to resources to develop my writing craft and style. Direct me to places to submit my work. Teach me to handle words, critiques, and rejection with grace and integrity.

As David closes Psalm 25, he ends with a reminder. “My hope, Lord, is in you” (verse 21).

Whether our work is accepted or declined, our starting place is trust. As we write, our practice is to pray He shows, teaches, and guides us. Our outcome? Hope—the confident expectation that God will accomplish His plans and best for us.

What about you? How have you affirmed trust and hope in your writing journey? Have you seen the benefit of “show me, teach me, and guide me” prayers?

Photo courtesy of and Stuart Miles.

Marilyn Nutter is the author of Hope for Widows: Reflections on Mourning, Living, and Change and co-author with April White of the award winning book, Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart, She is a frequent contributor to online sites and compilations. Visit her at http:/


  1. Marilyn, it is difficult to measure success in Christian writing if changed lives is the measure. In the last two months I had magazine editors come back wanting to publish three articles, some sent over a year ago. I was shocked and delighted. I'd also quit sending to them because I thought they didn't like my style!

    1. Congrats! God's timing is always perfect. Those who will read your articles now may not have read them a year ago. :)

    2. Congratulations! I hear you on measuring success..if we are obedient to write what God asks, regardless of where it lands or in a time that we don’t expect-we can trust He will use it. Writing is an investment. Thanks for sharing. Marilyn

  2. Your message is a great reminder to give our writing into the hands of God and TRUST Him to guide us each step of the journey. I needed these words of wisdom today. Thank you, Marilyn.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Katherine. :)

    2. Katherine, I’m glad the post encouraged you. Marilyn

  3. I needed to hear this Marilyn. I trust God to use my words as He sees fit but it can be discouraging at times (when the enemy attacks and makes us doubt). The verses offer so much encouragement.

  4. I appreciate your post about trusting God no matter what and at the start of submitting our work. I've seen Him use rejections as redirections for my writing, and the end result was so much better than I could have imagined. He truly is trustworthy.

  5. What a powerful reflection on King David’s wisdom! The connection you’ve drawn between his spiritual insight and the writing life is truly inspiring. It’s a great reminder that humility, patience, and faith are key virtues not just in life, but in the creative process as well. Staying grounded in purpose and trusting the journey resonates deeply. In a similar way, creators in digital fields can benefit from reliable support—like using an ecommerce video editing service to effectively tell their story and engage audiences. Thank you for this meaningful and encouraging post!


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