Find the Right Mentor


By Andrea Merrell

“Why do I need a mentor?” the new writer asked. “I’m doing pretty well on my own. I’ve already published a few articles, and I have someone interested in my manuscript.”

This woman believed, as many do, that writing is a solitary endeavor. While not entirely incorrect, there will still be times when we need others. Networking can be critical to our survival.

I once heard the analogy of several folks climbing a ladder—on their way to success. Seems there wasn’t enough room on one rung for all of them. What they finally figured out was that they needed someone on the rung above to help pull them up and someone on the one below to catch them if they stumbled and fell.

While God calls us to be our unique selves, He also knows we need a bit of help along the way. A role model. A wise advisor. Someone who can help us navigate all the bumps along the way and keep us on the right track.

The Word for You Today (TWFYT) says:

At some point, if you’re wise, you will look for a role model to mentor you. No matter how gifted and experienced you are, you will go further with the right mentor than you will on your own. But … just as the right mentor can make you, the wrong one can break you.

So, what’s the solution? How do we go about choosing that right person and giving them permission to speak into our lives?

We pray. We ask the Lord to connect us with the person best suited for us. The person who will encourage us. Inspire us. Be honest with us. Correct us when needed. And most importantly, pray for us.

The Bible says "two people are better off than one"(Ecclesiastes 4:9 NLT). Why? Because “they can help each other succeed.  If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” We need others to work alongside us as we travel this writing path. We need people who get us and are willing to help us become the best we can be.

A final thought from TWFYT: “If you follow only yourself, you may find yourself going in circles and getting nowhere.”

Photo courtesy of and Stuart Miles.


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