Celebrate the Wins with a Monthly Goal Review

By Candyce Carden


As writers, we often focus so much on our unmet writing goals that we overlook what we accomplish. We fail to pat ourselves on the back because our achievements seem insignificant. A cloud of negativity settles on our shoulders, and doubt enters our heart.

Fixating on what we don’t accomplish sabotages our commitment to write and affects our future performance. There’s little motivation to be found if all we’re looking at is failure.

We can flip this tendency by acknowledging and celebrating our wins, big and small. Our gains, our progress, our completions. Conducting a monthly goal review energizes and inspires us to strive for more.

Doing A Monthly Goal Review

1. First, you have to set some goals at the beginning of the month. For example, my short-term writing goals might be to write two blog posts, a guest post, and a newsletter. Long-term goals could include working on a book proposal or manuscript.

2. At the end of the month, make a list of all you completed or accomplished. And any other thing you think is worthy of celebration. For example, when I gain a new subscriber, I list it. If a reader emails me about a post, I make a note. Did I meet my writing goals for the month? Another win. Writing a short reflective summary about the review adds closure and provides additional insight.

3. Celebrate the wins. Sometimes, simply recognizing your progress with a prayer of thanksgiving is enough. A figurative pat on the shoulder works. Your celebration might be a special coffee or favorite shake. The smallest of rewards will encourage us to keep up this monthly practice.

4. Invite God into the moment, thanking Him for the victory, for the dream He placed in your heart, and the will to keep it going. He longs to celebrate our wins with us.

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” Philippians 2:13 (NLT).

Reinforcing Success

A monthly goal review helps shape our objectives for the new month. And the process is motivating. If we don’t acknowledge our achievements, we rob ourselves of key feelings that reinforce success. Recognizing the wins fuels our writing and keeps us reaching for more. Don’t downplay them because you haven’t yet reached your ultimate writing goal.

I once thought I couldn’t possibly afford the time to perform monthly goal reviews. Until I did one. Now I understand why I can’t afford not to do them.


 Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

Candyce Carden is a writer, educator, and nature lover whose teaching experience ranges from preschool to college. She’s written for a variety of magazines, devotionals, and compilations. Currently fine-tuning a devotional with a beach setting, Candyce and her husband divide time between north Georgia and Destin, Florida. The answer may not be at the beach, but should we not at least check?



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