Sow Good Seeds into Your Writing Career

By Andrea Merrell

What is your ultimate goal as a writer? To be a New York Times best-selling author? Maybe your desire is to be a conference leader, speaker, teacher, mentor, or social media expert. Perhaps your dream is to be the next Karen Kingsbury or Ted Dekker.

Whatever you’re striving to attain, think for a moment about the seeds you’re sowing now. Are you taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves—even if they appear to be small potatoes?

Sometimes, what might seem insignificant at the moment and hardly worth our time and effort, is the very thing God is using to prepare us for what He has in store for us. In God’s economy, nothing is ever wasted. He uses every tiny thread to weave together the tapestry of our future … our destiny.

When those small opportunities arise, we should take advantage of them to advance the kingdom and not ourselves, because promotion comes from the Lord. We never know who or what He might use to advance our career. Whatever we do today has a direct impact on our tomorrow.

One writer says, “When you do only what you feel like doing, you can overlook relationships and undervalue experiences essential to your future. Your destiny is made up of seemingly insignificant moments, experiences, and encounters. Your today is connected to your tomorrow, so maximize each opportunity and relationship that comes your way."

So, what can you do?

Maybe you’ve been asked to write a guest blog post. Or maybe someone has asked if they can do a guest post for you. Do you have an eye for detail? Offer to proofread or critique a project for a friend. If you know someone with a new book coming out, help them promote it. Post the information on your social media. Volunteer as a beta reader.Attend book signings in your area. Post reviews on Amazon for books you’ve read. Sign up for blogs and newsletters to support fellow writers. Volunteer to help at a local conference. Send thank-you notes to those who have supported you.

There are a hundred different ways to sow good seeds. Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NIV) says “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” You just might be surprised at the harvest you will reap.

What about you? Do you have more suggestions for sowing those good seeds? We would love to hear from you.

(Photos courtesy of and fantasista.)



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