Why Should I Enter Writing Contests?


By Andrea Merrell

I congratulated my friend after she won her fourth writing contest, but her response was not what I expected.

“That’s it for me,” she said. “Sure, it’s nice to win, but what’s the point? Look at all the extra time and effort I’ve put in. Where’s the benefit? It’s certainly not getting me published.”

I felt bad for my friend, a talented writer with a lot to offer. At first, she looked at winning contests as another feather in her cap, as she put it. Another notch on her belt, giving her bragging rights—and hopefully leading to publication opportunities. When it didn’t happen as she planned, she decided to give up.

So, what is the point of entering contests? And should we even bother? As someone who has won a few awards over the years, I would like to offer what I believe are some worthwhile benefits.


We all need a boost. To be affirmed. To have someone tell us our words have value.


Being a winner gives us the encouragement to keep going. To keep trying.


Many times the judges will give valuable feedback and constructive suggestions.


The more we write, the better writers we become  as we heed positive advice.


Being part of a contest gets your name out there—a vital part of the writing journey. And you never know who you will connect with. When I attended ACFW a few years back, my novel was a finalist in one of the contests. That gave me the opportunity to meet and network with so many new names and faces.

Let’s face it, entering contests can be just plain fun. It gives us a chance to stretch our writing muscles. To put our words out there and hope for great results. I have a couple of friends who have won so many awards they could probably wallpaper an entire room. Others keep them filed away and pull them out when they need to be reminded why they do what they do.

No matter the reason, don’t be shy or hesitant to participate in contests, especially if you’re a new writer.  My only warning is to do your research. Check with friends. Check out the website. I’ve won a couple of contests where they only wanted me to purchase something (trophy, stickers, plaque, mugs, T-shirt, etc.). Whatever you choose to do, pray about it first.

What about you? How do you feel about contests? We would love to hear from you.

Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net and digitalart.



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