Why Do You Write?

By Andrea Merrell

I have a question for you to ponder this week: Why do you write?

What is your true motivation? Have you ever really thought about it? These questions could also apply to speaking, teaching, mentoring, or any other type of leadership.

I read an article recently that suggested we should analyze our reasons for doing what we do, making sure it’s not out of need, insecurity, ego, or even a false sense of responsibility. According to the article, when we operate out of any of these motives, we are seeking praise, acceptance, approval, and the applause of the audience. I’ve heard this referred to as an “approval addict.”

All of us need approval, an occasional atta-girl or atta-boy to let us know we’re doing a good job. That’s the way God created us. But when we get to the point where we can’t function without that approval, we lose our focus and our purpose.

Some people say, “Do what you love.” We could add to that, “Do what you’re called and gifted to do.” When we operate within our God-given calling, we do it with love, grace, and passion. It’s a natural flow.

I am not gifted to dance, act, or work with children. My math grades in school proved I would never become an accountant or CPA. Other areas where I fall short are sewing, drawing, painting, photography, and … well, you get the picture. Over the years, I’ve tried and failed at many endeavors. But when God called me to write for Him, I knew He had shown me my true calling and passion. I write because I can’t not write. Not the best way to say it, but it makes the point.

So, what about you? Do you feel God’s call on your life to share the words He gives you. Maybe you write poetry or devotions that will bless others. Perhaps you’re a gifted novelist who can entertain your readers while showing them the way to live for Him. You might write articles or blog posts that will resonate with others, or children’s stories that will thrill youngsters and open their eyes to God’s creation, love, and truth.

The Bible says everything flows out of the abundance of the heart. When we recognize and utilize the unique gifts, talents, and abilities God has placed inside each of us, doing everything we do “as unto Him,” we don’t need the approval of the crowd—only the applause of our audience of One.

So, why do you write? What has been your motivator? We would love to hear from you.

(Photos courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net/Stuart Miles/surasakiStock.)



  1. I, too, write because I can't not write! I've had so many jobs, temp assignments, etc, and I was good at them; i excelled at them. My degree is Interior Design and i love it. But nothing "fits" me like my writing. I'm "at home" with my writing, and when I'm "in the groove" the words flow like a river - cliche but true!

    1. Love your passion, Robin. Thanks for sharing. :)


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