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Making Time to Write and Edit

  By Martin Wiles Let’s face it. Not all of us have the luxury or opportunity to write full-time. I’m one. In fact, only a small percentage of writers enjoy such a life. Five days each week, I teach writing, grammar, and editing skills to almost 120 rambunctious, less-than-focused, head-in-the-clouds middle schoolers—most of whom would rather be elsewhere. Over the past decade, I cannot calculate how often I’ve been asked, “Why do I need to learn this?” On Sunday mornings, I travel thirty minutes to a small country church where I pastor bi-vocationally. Although I am only “part-time,” I still must do the typical pastor things: prepare sermons, contact the sick and shut-ins, visit the hospital, teach Sunday school, and keep things running smoothly. Presently, I also serve as managing editor for two websites and host a personal one. Did I mention that I write regularly or monthly for quite a few places—this one included—and am a contracted writer for a few more annually? And d

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